About Us
Dhufish Forever was formed by a group of passionate rec fishing leaders and anglers who wanted to promote good stewardship and fishing practices to help ensure there will be dhufish and other demersals to enjoy forever.
Our goal is to share practical tips and information around best practice for catching and respecting these amazing West Aussie fish.
The Dhufish Forever Team
Dhufish Forever is run by a steering committee made up of representatives from across the recreational fishing community.
In addition to the steering committee, we will be looking to develop and extend our network of Dhufish Forever champions who can help us spread the Dhufish Forever messages – send us an email at admin@dhufishforever.org.au if this is something you’d be interested in volunteering for.

Ashley Ramm
My earliest memories of fishing are with my Pop and Dad and as time went on, I was then able to share my love of fishing with my wife and kids. Most people know me as a proud owner of Tackle World Miami and may recognise me through various media commitments, such as our weekly in-store Fishing Report and Thursday morning breakfast show on 91.3 Sport FM. I am a member of the West Coast Demersal Expert Working Group and committee member of Coastal Waste Warriors. I am also a founding member of the West Australian Recreational Family Fishing Alliance. Dhufish Forever is an opportunity for rec anglers to take ownership and lead from the front to promote sustainable fishing.

Brody Laroux
I’m a very passionate recreational fisher and have spent many years working in both the fishing charter and retail fishing tackle industries. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to advocate for rec fishers by being a member of the West Coast Demersal Expert Working Group. Above all, I deeply respect the fish and our various fisheries that we are able to enjoy, in particular, our prized endemic demersal species.

Josh Brown
Growing up along the Pilbara coast, I spent most of my childhood out on the water, fishing and diving, leading me to a career in fisheries science. With an interest in citizen science, I helped launch the Research Angler logbook program and the Send Us Your Skeletons initiative, through which recreational fishers can contribute to scientific research and make a valuable contribution to sustainable management. I now apply my research experience to fisheries education and engagement, working with recreational fishers to ensure there is fish for the future. I’m involved in Dhufish Forever because I want to see a healthy, sustainable demersal fishery that provides fantastic fishing experiences for generations to come.

Mark LeCras
I grew up in Cervantes as the son of a cray fisherman where my passion for fishing all started. Although my main passion is recreational fishing, I have experience in commercial crayfishing, commercial wetlining, charter fishing and retail, as well as being a presenter of a water/fishing report on Channel 7 news and a presenter on the 4WD Adventure Show. I am a strong supporter of Dhufish Forever because I want future generations to be able to enjoy some of the great experiences, I have had growing up catching and cooking these prized fish. I would like to do all I can to help create the best fishing culture by promoting the values of good catch care, fishing for a feed and changing up your species to avoid overfishing. Let’s lead the way so our kids and their kids can enjoy our great fisheries!

Matt Gillett
Fishing has been a part of my life since I could walk and have been fortunate enough to fish all over the world. I believe that Western Australia has some of the best fishing on the planet. I have been involved in the fishing industry for over 20 years, having fished commercially and worked in retail. For the last 15 years, I have advocated on behalf of recreational fishers at Recfishwest. My passion for catching demersal fish along the West Coast was ignited many years ago with fellow Dhufish Forever team member Brody Laroux chasing dhufish, baldies and pinkies in shallow water close to shore. We spent countless hours honing skills and techniques and collecting many favourite dhufish spots along the metro coast. My appreciation for dhufish in particular has guided me to work tirelessly to ensure that these special fish will remain a favourite target species for many generations to come.

Shaun Wieffering
I am the content creator behind Fishin Wishin Life, with a passion for the ocean lifestyle sharing my life and adventures through social media on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok and YouTube. I have, and always will, love the ocean from growing up fishing and boating with my uncles. I am committed to changing my former mindset and fishing with a purpose, ensuring the relationship with the ocean is one for the long-term. The opportunity to join the Dhufish Forever program has ignited a fire within me, driving myself further to make a positive impact. I love fishing and what it can do for people’s mental health and wellbeing, so I will do all I can to ensure fishing for demersals and fishing in general continues to be a key part of our special WA ocean lifestyle.

Tim Carson
I have fished almost my entire life starting around the age of seven. I enjoy all forms of fishing from chasing herring and squid to getting offshore for demersals to line-class fishing for pelagics off Perth. I have been a member of a number of clubs and have given back to many of these on committees over most of the last 20 years. I am currently on the committee of the Cockburn Power Boats Club and President of The Western Australian Game Fishing Association. A program to help everyone get the best out of iconic species like our WA dhufish, snapper, baldies and many other species is something that I feel should be passionately supported. This is an opportunity for the fishing community to all have input into a one-stop resource for best practices in keeping or managing these fish so that future generations can enjoy them as much as we do.

Tim Farnell
I am a passionate recreational fisher who has worked in the tackle industry for many years and written many columns for Western Angler magazine. I represent several well-known tackle organisations including Vexed, Assassin and Black Magic Tackle. As a father of three young kids who all love fishing, I believe fishing sustainably for all species, including demersals, is paramount to ensure they and future generations can grow up respecting the fish and the priceless value in being able to fish for them.
The program is supported by the Western Australian Government through the West Coast demersal recovery package.