What You Can Do
to help ensure there will be Dhufish Forever
Everyone can play a part in making sure there will be plenty of dhufish and other demersals forever.
If you’re heading out for a day’s fishing, here are some of the things we do to look after the fish, which we encourage you to do as well.
Look after your catch
Respecting the fish means getting the most and the very best out of the fish you take. Having posed for a quick photo, quickly and humanely dispatch the fish – some of us use the “ike jime” method (spiking the fish’s brain), bleed it and put it an ice slurry – a mix of ice and seawater – to keep the fish as fresh as possible before filleting it later.
Limit your catch
Stop fishing once you’ve got what you need and fish for something else. Demersals generally do not release well, particularly when caught in deep water, so we avoid “catch and release” fishing for them for fun because of the harm it can do to the fish and the fish stocks. In our view “high grading” is just not on. Once you’ve got what you need, stop fishing for demersals and fish for something else like tuna, squid or whiting.
Get the most out of your catch
There is so much more meat to get out of the fish we take than just the fillets. The wings, the cheeks, the frames and even the head are edible and delicious. For some of us Dhufish Forever supporters, getting more out of the fish we take, means we can catch less. If we all do this, it means we can reduce the catch and contribute to speeding up the recovery of the stocks.
Check out this great filleting video below.
Mix up your catch
In WA, we are blessed with a wide range of quality fishing options, whether it’s fishing for yellowtail kingfish on nearshore reefs, trolling for tuna, casting stickbaits for dolphinfish on the FADs, fishing for delicious whiting and squid, or targeting crabs in our lower west coast estuaries, there’s plenty of sustainable fishing options to go for in addition to fishing for demersals. So, mix up the kind of fishing you do – it keeps things fresh, exciting and ultimately makes us better fishers.
There is always more to learn in fishing. We’d love to hear what you do and your tips for looking after demersals – email us at admin@dhufishforever.org.au
Become a Dhufish Forever supporter
Sign up to the commitment and receive a free Dhufish Forever sticker to put on your car, boat or esky to show you care about our treasured demersals. Encourage your fishing mates and family members to sign up too!